Reliable Goods Transport From Gurgaon to Rajkot
TheTransporter Packers and Movers is your reliable partner for moving from Gurgaon to Rajkot. We offer comprehensive transport solutions, including Gurgaon to Rajkot truck transport cost, car transport from Gurgaon to Rajkot, and Gurgaon to Rajkot bike transport cost.
Our experienced team ensures that every item is packed securely and transported efficiently, arriving safely at your new location.
Our services come with clear and detailed pricing. You can easily get estimates for Gurgaon to Rajkot transport charges, Gurgaon to Rajkot bike parcel service, and Gurgaon to Rajkot goods transport cost. We provide transparent quotes for Gurgaon to Rajkot truck charges and Gurgaon to Rajkot car transport costs, helping you plan your move without any hidden fees.
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Points of Transport from Gurgaon to Rajkot
Gurgaon to Rajkot Transport Services
We understand the need for transparent and precise cost estimates. You can easily find out the Gurgaon to Rajkot truck charges, Gurgaon to Rajkot car transport cost, and Gurgaon to Rajkot bike parcel service costs with our detailed pricing information.
We focus on providing accurate and competitive rates, including Gurgaon to Rajkot transport charges per kg and Gurgaon to Rajkot transport price.
Moving your belongings from Gurgaon to Rajkot? TheTransporter Packers and Movers make the 1163 km journey smooth and hassle-free. Our dedicated team ensures your goods are handled with care, delivering them safely to Rajkot in just 3 days. We focus on timely and secure delivery, so you can relax knowing your items are in good hands with us.
Gurgaon to Rajkot Goods Transport Cost
Type of Goods | Weight (in kg) | Charges (in INR) |
Commercial Goods | 200-500 Kg | Rs. 16,000 - 23,000 |
Fragile Items | 50-100 Kg | Rs. 9,000 - 15,000 |
Electronics | 50-100 Kg | Rs. 8,500 - 15,500 |
Industrial Machinery | 500-1000 Kg | Rs. 25,500 - 50,000 |
Furniture | 200-500 Kg | Rs. 11,000 - 13,000 |
Perishable Goods | 100-200 Kg | Rs. 9,500 - 17,500 |
Construction Materials | 500-1000 Kg | Rs. 18,500 - 29,000 |
Medical Equipment | 50-100 Kg | Rs. 10,000 - 19,500 |
Books | 50-100 Kg | Rs. 6,500 - 12,500 |
Artwork | 50-100 Kg | Rs. 13,000 - 24,000 |
Musical Instruments | 50-100 Kg | Rs. 14,000 - 17,500 |
Gurgaon to Rajkot Truck Transport Charges
Truck Type | Charges (INR) |
Eicher 14 Feet | Rs. 16,500 - 25,000 |
Eicher 17 Feet | Rs. 17,500 - 29,000 |
Eicher 19 Feet | Rs. 26,000 - 33,000 |
20 Feet Container | Rs. 27,000 - 39,500 |
32 Feet Container | Rs. 38,500 - 47,000 |
40 Feet Container | Rs. 40,000 - 60,000 |
Open Truck 14 Feet | Rs. 21,500 - 37,000 |
Open Truck 17 Feet | Rs. 26,500 - 41,000 |
Open Truck 19 Feet | Rs. 31,500 - 56,000 |
Trailer Truck | Rs. 49,500 - 77,000 |
When looking for truck transport services from Gurgaon to Rajkot, understanding the cost involved is crucial for a smooth experience. The charges for truck transport can vary based on the type of truck you choose. For instance, the cost of an Eicher 14 Feet truck ranges from Rs. Rs. 16,500 - 25,000, while an Eicher 17 Feet truck costs between Rs. 17,500 - 29,000.
For larger truck requirements from Gurgaon to Rajkot, a 20 Feet Container may cost between Rs. 27,000 - 39,500, and a 32 Feet Container is priced from Rs. 38,500 - 47,000. The 40 Feet Container option, suited for bigger loads, ranges from Rs. 40,000 - 60,000.
If you need an open truck, truck charges from Gurgaon to Rajkot differ slightly. An Open Truck 14 Feet can range from Rs. 21,500 - 37,000, while an Open Truck 17 Feet costs between Rs. 26,500 - 41,000.
For heavier or bulkier loads, the Open Truck 19 Feet is available at Rs. 31,500 - 56,000. The Trailer Truck, often used for specialized transport needs, has a cost range of Rs. 49,500 - 77,000. By knowing these Gurgaon to Rajkot truck charges, you can better plan and choose the right truck that fits your requirements, ensuring a reliable and cost-effective transport solution from Gurgaon to Rajkot.
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TheTransporter Packers and Movers Services in gurgaon
Bike Transport Charges from Gurgaon to Rajkot
Type of Bike | Bike CC | Charges(INR) |
Standard Bike | Up to 150 CC | Rs. 6,400 - 8,500 |
Standard Bike | 150 CC - 250 CC | Rs. 8,000 - 12,500 |
Sports Bike | 200 CC - 400 CC | Rs. 9,000 - 14,500 |
Cruiser Bike | 300 CC - 500 CC | Rs. 15,000 - 17,000 |
Scooter/ Moped | Up to 150 CC | Rs. 6,000 - 9,000 |
Classic/Vintage Bike | Above 250 CC | Rs. 13,000 - 19,500 |
Dirt Bike | Above 250 CC | Rs. 11,000 - 17,000 |
Electric Bike | Up to 150 CC Equivalent | Rs. 7,000 - 10,000 |
Gurgaon to Rajkot Bike Transport Cost
Understanding the Gurgaon to Rajkot bike transport cost is crucial for a hassle-free relocation of your two-wheeler. The charges vary based on the type and engine capacity of your bike. For instance, bike transport from Gurgaon to Rajkot for a standard bike up to 150 CC may range from Rs. 6,400 - 8,500, while a 150 CC - 250 CC bike might cost between Rs. 8,000 - 12,500.
If you own a sports bike with an engine capacity of 200 CC - 400 CC, the bike transport from Gurgaon to Rajkot charges could be between Rs. 9,000 - 14,500. For those with a classic or vintage bike, expect the Gurgaon to Rajkot bike parcel service to cost between Rs. 13,000 - 19,500.
Transporting a bike from Gurgaon to Rajkot using professional services ensures your vehicle is handled with care. For those with a scooter or moped, the Gurgaon to Rajkot bike transport cost might range from Rs. 6,000 - 9,000.
Cruiser bike owners with 300 CC - 500 CC engines can expect charges between Rs. 15,000 - 17,000. Bike transport services from Gurgaon to Rajkot also cater to dirt and electric bikes, with prices ranging from Rs. 11,000 - 17,000 for dirt bikes and Rs. 7,000 - 10,000 for electric bikes.
TheTransporter Packers and Movers provides reliable and cost-effective options for bike transport Gurgaon to Rajkot, ensuring your vehicle reaches from Gurgaon to Rajkot safely.
Transport Services From Gurgaon
- Transport Services From Gurgaon to Chandigarh
- Transport Services From Gurgaon to Mumbai
- Transport Services From Gurgaon to Hyderabad
- Transport Services From Gurgaon to Chennai
- Transport Services From Gurgaon to Raipur
- Transport Services From Gurgaon to Ranchi
- Truck Transport From Gurgaon to Solapur
- Truck Transport From Gurgaon to Srinagar
- Truck Transport From Gurgaon to Surat
- Car Transport Rates from Gurgaon to Thane
- Car Transport Rates from Gurgaon to Ghaziabad
- Car Transport Rates from Gurgaon to Vadodara
- Bike Transport Service Gurgaon to Varanasi
- Bike Transport Service Gurgaon to Kolkata
- Bike Transport Service Gurgaon to Vasai Virar
- Goods Transport Service Gurgaon to Vijayawada
- Goods Transport Service Gurgaon to Pune
- Goods Transport Service Gurgaon to Visakhapatnam
- Goods Transport Service Gurgaon to Haora
Affordable Transport Services from Gurgaon to Rajkot
TheTransporter Packers and Movers understand how important it is to find dependable transport services from Gurgaon to Rajkot. Whether you need to move goods, vehicles, or personal belongings
We offer a variety of solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Our services include a range of options like truck transport, car carriers, and bike transport, ensuring your items are moved efficiently and safely across the distance.
Efficient Luggage and Goods Transport from Gurgaon to Rajkot
TheTransporter Packers and Movers offer practical solutions for luggage transport from Gurgaon to Rajkot, catering to everything from suitcases and backpacks to larger items like appliances and household.
Our luggage transport services from Gurgaon to Rajkot ensure that your belongings, whether small or large, are handled with care and delivered on time, making your move as seamless as possible.
Gurgaon to Rajkot Car Transport Cost
If you are looking for car transport from Gurgaon to Rajkot, it's important to understand the various options and costs involved. The Gurgaon to Rajkot car transport cost varies based on the type of vehicle and the carrier used. For a hatchback, using an enclosed carrier, the charges range from Rs. 13,800 - 19,500.
Sedans, which also travel in enclosed carriers, have rates between Rs. 14,000 - 18,500. Larger vehicles like SUVs can expect costs from Rs. 17,200 - 22,000, while transporting a luxury car may cost between Rs. 23,700 - 30,000.
For electric cars, specialized carriers are required, and the rates range from Rs. 22,000 - 30,500.
Choosing the right Gurgaon to Rajkot cargo service can make the process of transporting your car smooth and worry-free. Compact SUVs can be moved in enclosed carriers with costs ranging from Rs. 21,000 - 30,500.
Car Carrier Rates from Gurgaon to Rajkot
Car Type | Carrier Type | Transport Charges (INR) |
Hatchback | Enclosed Carrier | Rs. 13,800 - 19,500 |
Sedan | Enclosed Carrier | Rs. 14,000 - 18,500 |
SUV | Enclosed Carrier | Rs. 17,200 - 22,000 |
Luxury Car | Enclosed Carrier | Rs. 23,700 - 30,000 |
Electric Car | Specialized Carrier | Rs. 22,000 - 30,500 |
Compact SUV | Enclosed Carrier | Rs. 21,000 - 30,500 |
Mid-size SUV | Enclosed Carrier | Rs. 24,500 - 31,500 |
Full-size SUV | Enclosed Carrier | Rs. 32,000 - 35,500 |
Mid-size SUVs have slightly higher charges, from Rs. 24,500 - 31,500, and for full-size SUVs, expect costs between Rs. 32,000 - 35,500. Gurgaon to Rajkot car transport charges vary significantly, so selecting the right car transport services from Gurgaon to Rajkot can help you find the most suitable option within your budget.
TheTransporter Packers and Movers offers various services to transport cars from Gurgaon to Rajkot, ensuring your vehicle arrives safely and on time.
Gurgaon to Rajkot Luggage Transport Charges
Luggage Type | Transport Charges (INR) | Weight Range |
Medium Suitcase | Rs. 2,900 - 4,500 | Up to 25 kg |
Large Suitcase | Rs. 4,300 - 6,800 | Up to 30 kg |
Appliances | Rs. 12,500 - 20,500 | 50-100 kg |
Clothes and Apparel | Rs. 5,600 - 10,000 | 50-100 kg |
Personal Items | Rs. 6,700 - 9,000 | 50-100 kg |
Backpack | Rs. 1,200 - 2,200 | Up to 10 kg |
Duffel Bag | Rs. 1,500 - 3,100 | Up to 20 kg |
Trunk | Rs. 3,800 - 6,300 | Up to 35 kg |
Books and Notes | Rs. 400 - 950 | Up to 10 kg |
Briefcase | Rs. 1,100 - 3,000 | Up to 5 kg |
Sports Equipment | Rs. 2,500 - 4,600 | Varies |
Musical Instruments | Rs. 3,800 - 5,900 | Varies |
Boxes | Rs. 2,200 - 3,900 | Varies |
Oversized Items | Rs. 4,100 - 6,500 | Over 30 kg |
Laptop Bag | Rs. 1,150 - 2,200 | Up to 3 kg |
Packers and movers from Gurgaon
- Packers and movers from Gurgaon to Chandigarh
- Packers and movers from Gurgaon to Mumbai
- Packers and movers from Gurgaon to Hyderabad
- Packers and movers from Gurgaon to Chennai
- Packers and movers from Gurgaon to Raipur
- Packers and movers from Gurgaon to Ranchi
- Movers and packers charges Gurgaon to Solapur
- Movers and packers charges Gurgaon to Srinagar
- Movers and packers charges Gurgaon to Surat
- Household Items Shifting Gurgaon to Thane
- Household Items Shifting Gurgaon to Ghaziabad
- Household Items Shifting Gurgaon to Vadodara
Luggage Transport Services from Gurgaon to Rajkot
Finding the right luggage transport from Gurgaon to Rajkot can make relocating your belongings easier and more efficient. The Gurgaon to Rajkot luggage transport charges depend on the type and weight of your items. For a medium suitcase up to 25 kg, rates range from Rs. 2,900 - 4,500, while a large suitcase up to 30 kg can cost between Rs. 4,300 - 6,800. Smaller items like backpacks and briefcases have charges from Rs. 1,200 - 2,200 and Rs. 1,100 - 3,000, respectively.
If you need to transport luggage from Gurgaon to Rajkot, options like trunks, boxes, and duffel bags are available, with varying rates based on weight. For heavier or bulkier items, such as appliances or oversized items, charges can go up to Rs. 4,100 - 6,500. Luggage transport services from Gurgaon to Rajkot, like those offered by TheTransporter Packers and Movers, provide a range of options to suit your needs and ensure safe delivery of your belongings.
Why Choose Us for Transport From Gurgaon to Rajkot?
TheTransporter Packers and Movers stands out for its reliable transport solutions from Gurgaon to Rajkot. We handle all your needs, including bike transport from Gurgaon to Rajkot, car transport Gurgaon to Rajkot, and luggage transport from Gurgaon to Rajkot. Our team is committed to ensuring your belongings are transported safely and on time.
Our detailed pricing includes the price of Gurgaon to Rajkot transport, bike transport Gurgaon to Rajkot charges, and Gurgaon to Rajkot transport service. This transparency allows you to make informed decisions and manage your moving budget effectively.
By choosing TheTransporter Packers and Movers, you select a service dedicated to reliability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. We ensure that your move from Gurgaon to Rajkot is handled smoothly and professionally, letting you focus on settling into your new environment.
Courier Cost Per Kg from Gurgaon
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- Courier Cost Per Kg from Gurgaon to Hyderabad
- Courier Cost Per Kg from Gurgaon to Chennai
- Courier Cost Per Kg from Gurgaon to Raipur
- Courier Cost Per Kg from Gurgaon to Ranchi
- Parcel Services From Gurgaon to Solapur
- Parcel Services From Gurgaon to Srinagar
- Parcel Services From Gurgaon to Surat
- Courier Services Gurgaon to Thane
- Courier Services Gurgaon to Ghaziabad
- Courier Services Gurgaon to Vadodara
- Courier Services Charges Gurgaon to Varanasi
- Courier Services Charges Gurgaon to Kolkata
- Courier Services Charges Gurgaon to Vasai Virar
- Goods Transport Service Gurgaon to Vijayawada
- Goods Transport Service Gurgaon to Pune
- Goods Transport Service Gurgaon to Visakhapatnam
- Goods Transport Service Gurgaon to Haora
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